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Run against Paediatric Cancers!

Run against Paediatric Cancers!

Ergon participated this year again to the Run to Kick challenge: 15 professionals from all Ergon’s offices throughout Europe run and raised money (with the additional financial support of the Ergon Capital Fund) for research on paediatric cancers, finishing #2 among...
Kick Cancer Fund

Kick Cancer Fund

For the second consecutive year, Ergon is supporting financially the Kick Cancer Fund, a fund dedicated to research in paediatric oncology managed by the King Baudouin Foundation. Kick Cancer Fund finances clinical trials on innovative drugs with the view to improve...
Paris Youth Coaching Project

Paris Youth Coaching Project

Ergon is organizing workshops on private equity for young people willing to work in finance / private equity. A first session was held at Ergon’s Paris office in July 2020 and such initiative will be developed in the other European offices of Ergon. “The Paris...
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